Friday, December 22, 2006

Oracle 9.2 - XDB Port Collisions

You might not be a DBA but you might want to download Oracle 9.2, install it and try and do web development. But beware, the XDB feature gobbles up ports that we have gotten used to as users. For example: 8080.

Set ports to zero should turn off the services. Do this as system/system@oracle (connect as sysdba)

call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML(dbms_xdb.cfg_get(), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/httpconfig/http-port/text()',0));
call dbms_xdb.cfg_update(updateXML(dbms_xdb.cfg_get(), '/xdbconfig/sysconfig/protocolconfig/ftpconfig/ftp-port/text()',0));

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